21 Jan A reminder we all need
Everyone can find a reason not to exercise, but at the end of the day- we all need to. This article by Dr. Laura O’Connor nails it and I just felt it has to be shared again and again.
If you don’t have time to read it all, here is the best take away:
“Regular exercisers in their seventies and eighties are a special group. They have reaped the benefits of a lifetime of physical activity.”
PLEASE let that sink in. It’s not about whether you can do a burpee or a push up right now. It’s not about how fast you move, or how you think you look in a bathing suit. At the end of the day- it’s about YOUR quality of life and how important that is to you. Just move.
Please take a minute and read this:
“We all know Exercise is good for our health- so why isn’t everyone doing it?”