15 Apr Bringing fun back
I think right now it’s so important to let your hair down a little…not literally- I’m messy buns all the way, what I mean is don’t take yourself too seriously. Have some fun. Have an early dismissal of home school and partake in some family lip sync battles. Learn some new dance moves, watch some of our old favourite movies, macrame, whatever….literally do whatever adds light into your day. My new personal favourite- tik tok. Seriously its addicting and hilarious and you should get on there stat and let out your crazy. If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s a social media platform creating a sensation around the world where people post short videos dancing, lip syncing or even with a short story line.
When I first joined all I saw was a lot of belly shirts and young teenage girls doing elbow thrusts and moving their hips in a way I have never seen. I didn’t totally get why I would want to join such a platform but I kept listening to all these business podcasts that were strongly suggesting we get on there. I still didn’t really get why since my community is not made up of teenage girls and who would see it….however enter quarantine 2020 and move the hell over girls, your moms are taking over.
It took me awhile to figure it but what’s been most entertaining is how embarrassed my kids are of me wearing crazy outfits and dancing around like I had a bottle of wine for breakfast. (I didn’t – I can’t even fathom a hangover while quarantined with my kids…holy mother of God). But seriously- I think why it’s been an interesting medicine for me lately, is it’s a temporary escape from what is sometimes a hard reality. My life is good and we are safe and healthy but some of these days can still be loooooong. Dancing around and being a nut is like a temporary reprieve from that. It’s fun to “be” someone else for a few minutes and be someone that is just totally having fun and not in self isolation. I think the more we do that right now, the more we can bring fun back into our lives in a way that a lot of us have lost in our adult years. Life shouldn’t always be taken so seriously and that’s a message I’m remembering during this crazy time. As quoted in the photo above by one of my favourite comedians, Amy Phoeler, there is power in looking silly and not caring that you do.
I think my kids will one day get over the embarrassment and see that. Maybe they won’t but I’m good either way. haha. Regardless, I hope they remember that having fun should never be something you get too old for. We are all here for a good life, sometimes we just forget that.